Biking Cambodia Discover Cambodia by bike Tue, 19 Mar 2019 11:18:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Full day Angkor cycling tour – FD1 Mon, 15 Aug 2016 11:53:16 +0000 Angkor Wat, the countless serene stone faces of Bayon and the reclamation, by nature, of the famous "Tomb-Raider" temple of Ta Phrom and more on this leisurely Siem Reap cycling tour.]]> THE MAIN TEMPLES OF ANGKOR

It is a great experience to cycle in the Archaeological Park of Angkor, surrounded by immense trees and lash jungle. We will avoid whenever we can the main roads to find our way through the forest on unpaved roads. Our guide will lead you and take you from one temple to the other. You will be given all the time you need to admire the most famous sites built by the kings of Angkor back in the 11th century.


  • Contemplate the magnificent remains of the Khmer Empire
  • The Angkor Thom with its grand walls
  • The Bayon with its countless sculptural decorations
  • The Terraces of the Elephants and of the Leper King.
  • Angkor Wat: visit the largest religious monument in the world
  • Ta Prohm: bound by massive roots of huge trees under the shadow of lush tropical forest
  • The Terrace of the Elephants, part of the walled city of Angkor Thom

Angkor is one of the most important archaeological sites in South-East Asia. Stretching over some 400 km2, including forested area, Angkor Archaeological Park contains the magnificent remains of the different capitals of the Khmer Empire, from the 9th to the 15th century.


Avoiding as much as possible the main roads and the tourist rush, our morning cycling ride takes you first to several of the major and minor temples in the area. Beginning at Angkor Wat, the itinerary runs for several kilometres and you will have the opportunity to see Angkor Thom, Ta Prohm, and Banteay Kdei, as well as some other minor but interesting temples such as the Baphoun, the Terrace of the Leper King, the Terrace of the Elephants, the Twelve Prasats, Spean Thma, and Sra Srang.

On the way back, you will discover Preah Khan, Preah Neak Pean to the Eastern Mebon and various monuments such as Ta Som and Preah Rup before returning to Angkor Wat. This trip will give you of a great picture of the rich and diverse architecture of 11th century Cambodia.


What’s Included

  • Bicycle ride with adapted mountain-bikes and equipment
  • English speaking Cycling Guide
  • Water during riding
  • Lunch
  • What’s Not Included

  • Temple access pass
  • Official English/French Guide for the temple visit
  • Individual insurance cover
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    Half day Must-See Angkor temple cycling tour – HD1 Fri, 15 Jul 2016 09:32:33 +0000 Angkor in half a day. In addition to Angkor Wat, Bayon and Ta Phrom, also drop by the Terraces of the Leper King and the Elephants.]]> It is a great experience to cycle in the Archaeological Park of Angkor, surrounded by immense trees and lash jungle. We will avoid whenever we can the main roads to find our way through the forest on unpaved roads. Our guide will lead you and take you from one temple to the other. You will be given all the time you need to admire the most famous sites built by the kings of Angkor back in the 11th century.


    • Contemplate the magnificent remains of the Khmer Empire
    • The Angkor Thom with its grand walls
    • The Bayon with its countless sculptural decorations
    • The Terraces of the Elephants and of the Leper King
    • Angkor Wat: visit the largest religious monument in the world
    • Ta Prohm: bound by massive roots of huge trees under the shadow of lush tropical forest
    • The Terrace of the Elephants, part of the walled city of Angkor Thom


    From South Gate of Angkor Thom to Phnom Bakheng through Terraces of Elephants and Leper King, Death Gate and Victory Gate, Ta Prom and Sra Srang.

    Angkor is one of the most important archaeological sites in South-East Asia. Stretching over some 400 km2, including forested area, Angkor Archaeological Park contains the magnificent remains of the different capitals of the Khmer Empire, from the 9th to the 15th century.


    What’s Included

  • Bicycle ride with adapted mountain-bikes and equipment
  • English speaking Cycling Guide
  • Water during riding
  • What’s Not Included

  • Temple access pass
  • Official English/French Guide for the temple visit
  • Individual insurance cover
  • ]]> 0
    Half day Hidden temples of Angkor cycling tour – HD3 Wed, 15 Jun 2016 11:41:29 +0000 Preah Khan temple. Continue onto Ta Nei, Takeo and Ta Phrom. Optionally drop by Angkor Wat.]]> From your hotel to West Gate of Preah Khan temple. Visit the temple. The bikes will wait at the East Gate. Ride from the East Gate of Preah Khan up to Ta Nei temple through the forest. Discover Tan Nei then ride on to Takeo and the West Gate of Ta Prom. Visit this temple and ride on to East entrance of Angkor Wat. Visit Angkor Wat or ride back to the hotel following the schedule.

    Technical information: mostly paved road, some parts unpaved
    Difficulty: small parts of sand


    • Hidden temples in the jungle
    • Small trails away from the Tourist rush
    • “…we cross a wooden bridge and hike a narrow trail through thick forest that only our guide can identify…”

    Angkor is one of the most important archaeological sites in South-East Asia. Stretching over some 400 km2, including forested area, Angkor Archaeological Park contains the magnificent remains of the different capitals of the Khmer Empire, from the 9th to the 15th century.


    What’s Included

  • Bicycle ride with adapted mountain-bikes and equipment
  • English speaking Cycling Guide
  • Water during riding
  • What’s Not Included

  • Temple access pass
  • Official English/French Guide for the temple visit
  • Individual insurance cover
  • ]]> 0
    Southern coast trails Wed, 13 Apr 2016 17:11:24 +0000 This 8-day cycling tour will take you on a memorable journey through widely different landscapes in which you will have the opportunity to discover some of Cambodia’s most appealing sites and meet the friendly local people. This is a unique chance to immerse yourselves in a magical environment with a rich and diverse culture.


    • Phnom Chisor of the Khmer Empire
    • Kampong Trach, a pagoda carved into the mountains
    • Kampot with its world famous pepper farms
    • Sihanoukville with its golden beaches
    • Kirirom National Park
    • Kep, an old French colonial town


    Day 1 : PHNOM PENH – KEP / Hotel / 50 km cycling
    We leave Phnom Penh with our private bus to avoid the heavy traffic before cycling to Tonle Bati for a picnic lunch. Visit of Phnom Chisor. The summit can be reached via a 180-step climb and offers a magnificent view of the surrounding countryside. Cycle through small countryside villages on unpaved roads; visit a pagoda which was carved in the mountains, before arriving at the coastal city of Kep. This town was once a famous holiday spot for French settlers.
    Hotel in Kep (B,L)

    Day 2 : KEP – KAMPOT / Bungalows / 30 km cycling
    We continue on small trails along the coast to explore the countryside which leads us to Kampot. Kampot’s main attraction is its relaxing riverside setting. While there is a sizeable town set back from the river, the majority of visitors will spend most of their time enjoying the river and the local countryside. Its economy is based on salt, the famous Kampot Black Pepper and the Durian fruit. We visit one of the many pepper plantations.
    In the afternoon, we explore the river Kampot by kayaking in the green loop to discover the
    mangrove swamps with your local guide. Back to the bungalows walk through the rice fields, visit a
    pagoda and a village, discover craftsmanship of the local people and visit the school (according to the days and opening times), (B,L)

    Day 3 : KAMPOT – KIRIROM NATIONAL PARK / Hotel / 50 km cycling
    We start cycling in the early morning with a transfer after 50 km. The topography is variable, from a large area of lowland paddy fields in the east to lowland/upland mosaics to the South. We stop on the way for lunch and get to Kirirom Hill station in the late afternoon. (B,L)

    Day 4 : KIRIROM / Hotel / 40 km cycling
    Located about 85 km north-west of Phnom Penh, in the eastern foothills of the Cardomom Mountains, and in Kompong Speu province, Kirirom National Park is home to a lot of wild animals. Kirirom, or the Mountain of Joy, was Cambodia’s first officially designated national park.
    On weekends, Kirirom has become a really upbeat picnic destination for many Cambodians as they begin to rediscover their country. Best of all at 675 m above sea level, it is cooler than the city or even the neighboring farmlands. As you travel around, you’ll find the ruins of the Royal Summer Palace, destroyed during the Khmer Rouge period.
    It’s our first climbing challenge in Cambodia. The 28 km road leads us up to the top of the mountain. We will take lunch and discover by bike the region. Night at Hillside Resort. (B,L)

    Day 5 : KIRIROM – SIHANOUKVILLE / Hotel / 50 km cycling
    We head early morning to Sihanoukville along the National Road. As the traffic can be very heavy, we get first on a private bus and leave the main road to cycle the last 50 kilometres to Sihanoukville. (B,L)

    Day 6 : SIHANOUKVILLE / Hotel / no cycling
    Free day. Enjoy and relax on the white sandy beaches of Sihanoukville (your stay can be extended, just ask for the price).

    Day 7 : SIHANOUKVILLE – PHNOM PENH / Hotel / no cycling
    Our tour comes to an end. Take a last swim in the morning. Transfer by bus to Phnom Penh in the afternoon.

    Day 8 : PHNOM PENH / Departure
    Make your last shopping and visit Phnom Penh. Transfer to the airport according to your home flight. (B)


    What’s Included

  • Renting the bike with helmet
  • An English-speaking cycling guide
  • An escort vehicle
  • Water/fruits during riding
  • Meals according to program (B,L,D)
  • Accommodation
  • What’s Not Included

  • Entrance fees to the sites
  • Meals not mentioned in the program
  • Private insurance
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    Full day cycling – Countryside tour – FD4 Fri, 29 Jan 2016 08:30:55 +0000 Kbal Riel-the Dike of Tonle Sap and then North to the Silk Center. Continue to Phouk. Finally cycle over to West Baray, Preah Khan Temple and across the forest to reach the temples Tanei and Takeo.]]> A “baray” is a water reservoir built by the ancient Khmer people. The West Baray is the largest example of such a reservoir, and the only example that still holds water. Visitors to the baray are stunned by its enormity and natural appearance.
    To construct the West Baray, the Khmer people erected four earthen dikes in an 8 km by 2 km rectangle. Once the dikes were completed, rainwater filled the baray.


    • Watch the daily life of the farmers
    • Visit a Silk Farm
    • Visit the West Baray, an enormous reservoir that was most likely constructed during the 11th century


    Morning: Ride from the Hotel to Wat Tschor across countryside and unpaved road. Continue to Kbal Riel-the Dike of Tonle Sap up to the Silk Center. Visit of the center. Go further to Phouk. Picnic-lunch organized in the village.

    Afternoon: Ride on through countryside to Preah Khan Temple. Cross the forest to reach the temples Tanei and Takeo. Back to town.


    What’s Included

  • Bicycle ride with adapted mountain-bikes and equipment
  • English speaking Cycling Guide
  • Escort vehicle if required
  • Lunch
  • Water during riding
  • What’s Not Included

  • Temple access pass
  • Individual insurance cover
  • ]]> 0
    Full day cycling – Countryside tour – FD3 Fri, 29 Jan 2016 08:23:39 +0000 Chao Srei Vibol, a small temple located in the forest. Continue South and West, finally ending at the great Tonle Sap Lake located only 15 km to the south of the town.]]> Departure after sunrise for a bike discovery day: after getting used to the bikes, put on your helmets and follow laterite tracks through rice fields and many villages. This road will take you to the ancient Royal Road to reach the lost temple of Chao Srei Vibol, a small temple located in the forest. This is a trip out of time away from the city that allows you to discover the local life in the province. You will go through many villages, discovering the peaceful atmosphere of rural life in Cambodia and also the different local trades: blacksmiths, hairdressers, palm sugar producers, etc. The journey ends at the great Tonle Sap Lake located only 15 km to the south of the town, a unique eco-system and cultural area that offers the opportunity to see a different aspect of Siem Reap.


    • The Chao Srei Vibol temple – a site with a unique layout
    • Crossing of villages and ricefields on dirt roads to meet people
    • End your journey at the Tonle Sap lake


    Siem Reap – Chao Srei Vibol – Roluos – Tonle Sap

    Morning: Siem Reap – Wat Trak – Roluos (Bakong).
    Ride on small trails through countryside and villages until Wat Trak temple (Chau Srei Vibol). Visit the temple and its pagoda. Lunch

    Afternoon: Roluos (Bakong) – Tonle Sap–Roluos – Tonle Sap – (Siem Reap). (Ride distance from 28 to 30 kilometers).
    Then ride on to Bakong (Roluos Group). After Bakong visit, ride to Siem Reap River and then to Tonle Sap lake. Ride back to town or transfer.


    What’s Included

  • Bicycle ride with adapted mountain-bikes and equipment
  • Escort vehicle (on request)
  • English speaking Cycling Guide
  • Lunch
  • Water during riding
  • What’s Not Included

  • Temple access pass
  • Official English/French Guide for the temple visit
  • Individual insurance cover
  • ]]> 0
    5 Days Angkor Cycling tour (FULL PACKAGE) Sat, 23 Jan 2016 09:22:53 +0000 Angkor Wat, Bayon, Ta Phrom, Bantey Srei, Neak Pean and the Roluos group of temples, including Bakong. Also, experience rural villages and landscapes, daily village life and the Tonle Sap lake and river with its floating villages.]]> The temples of Angkor have long fascinated visitors and locals alike and are one of the most outstanding World Heritage Sites in Asia. Built mainly in the 12th century by King Suryavarman II, it gradually changed from a Hindu temple for the Khmer Empire to a Buddhist temple as it can be seen through the many different architectural styles visible. Once home to the largest city in the world, it went into a long period of decline before being partly restored since the 20th century. During this cycling tour, you will have the opportunity to visit Angkor Wat and several other temples such the Bayon, Banteay Srei with its exquisite carvings and to witness an unforgettable sunset from the top of Phnom Bakheng. In addition to these marvelous temples, you will also visit the Tonle Sap, South-East Asia’s largest lake with its distinct ethic groups and culture, floating houses and the daily life of the many fishermen who live and work there.

    The program includes an “Apsara” Dance Dinner spectacle. Our services include also the transfers from/to airport – Hotel, an escort vehicle for recovering, meals and accommodation.

    Our 5-day Angkor cycling tour offers you the perfect opportunity to visit this amazing World Heritage Site and to discover the quiet and easy-going daily life of the people of the province of Siem Reap. In addition to the charm of the town of Siem Reap with its colonial architecture, busy markets and vibrant nightlife, the ancient architectural wonders, the green countryside with rice fields and plantations, the vast expanse of the Tonle Sap Lake and the warm welcome of the locals will leave you with an everlasting memory. 


    • Small and big circuits along the Angkor temples
    • Bantey Srei, Rolous, Neak Pean and Bakong temples
    • Rural villages and landscapes
    • The Tonle Sap lake and it’s river


    Day 1 : SIEM REAP CITY
    Morning : Arrival at Siem Reap
    Pick-up at the airport and city transfer.
    Afternoon : Town Exploration
    First discovery of the city of temples. Visit the market and the pagoda. Apsara Dance Dinner Show. Overnight in the Hotel. (-,-,D)
    Morning : First Discovery
    Biking to Angkor Wat, starting on small paths to reach the main road for the small circuit. Stop and visit Angkor Wat. We continue in the direction of Bayon.
    Afternoon : Small Circuit
    Bayon to Phnom Bakheng through the Terrace of Elephants and the Leper King, Death Gate and Victory Gate, Ta Prohm and Srang Sra. End of run at Phnom Bakheng for sunset. Transfer to Hotel. 38 km on mostly asphalt road. (B,L,-)
    Morning : Banteay Srei and Grand Circuit
    By bike from the hotel to Banteay Srei. Visit the temple.
    Afternoon : Neak Pean – Banteay Kdei – Siem Reap
    Travel by bicycle on roads and tarmac or transfer to Preak Khan and then Neak Pean. After visit of Neak Pean, we continue to reach the temple of Banteay Kdei. Back in town for the Grand Tour trails through the countryside. 52 km on mostly asphalt road, partly on natural paths. (B,L,-)
    Day 4 : ROLOUS – BAKONG
    Morning : Siem Reap-Wat-Trak Roluos (Bakong)
    Departure by bike on small paths through the countryside and villages to the temple of Wat Trak (Chau Srei Vibol). Visit the temple and the pagoda.
    Afternoon : Roluos (Bakong)-Tonle Sap-Siem Reap
    Departure for Bakong (Roluos Group). After visiting the temple, the tour continues until the Siem Reap River and Tonle Sap Lake. Back to Siem Reap by bike or by transfer. Hotel in Siem Reap. Arriving in the evening, 1 hour aromatherapy massage at the Frangipani Spa. 63 km on mostly non-paved and parts sandy. (B,L,-)
    Morning : Siem Reap
    Morning free for the last minute purchases.
    Afternoon : Departure
    Transfer to the airport in Siem Reap. Return flight to home country. (B,-,-)
    Total cycling 162 km


    What’s Included

  • Bicycle ride with adapted mountain-bikes and equipment
  • English-speaking cycling guide
  • Escort support vehicle for security and recovery, if required
  • Food following program
  • Water during riding
  • Apsara Dance Dinner
  • Hotel: Casa Angkor *** or similar
  • What’s Not Included

  • Temple access pass
  • Individual insurance cover
  • Any soft drinks
  • Tips
  • ]]> 0
    Angkor – South coast – Mekong delta tour / Vietnam Sat, 23 Jan 2016 09:11:37 +0000 The tour starts with the visit of some of Siem Reap’s most fascinating areas, including the splendors of the impressive temples of Angkor built mainly during the 12th century and Tonle Sap, South-East Asia’s largest lake with its typical houses on stilts, floating accommodation and distinct ethnic groups and culture. You will then have the opportunity to discover Phnom Penh, the capital city, once considered a marvel of French colonial architecture and still boasting some impressive monuments and buildings open to visitors. The Cambodian part of the tour finishes in the South with the visit of Kampot with its famous pepper plantations and the old colonial town of Kep. In Vietnam, your journey will take you to various natural sites and villages and you will discover a country where the culture and daily life are based on its uncountable waterways and islands, before visiting Ho Chi Minh (Saigon), a lively and exciting metropolis with a rich cultural heritage.

    This 2-week adventure through Cambodia and Vietnam will provide you with a truly unforgettable cycling experience during which you will discover an amazing array of landscapes and cultures.


    • Small and big circuits along the Angkor temples
    • Rolous, Neak Pean and Bakong temples
    • Rural villages and landscapes
    • National Museum and Silver Pagoda in Phnom Penh
    • Natural beauty of the scenic river
    • Pepper plantations in Kampot
    • The old French colonial town in Kep
    • The Mekong Delta


    Our guide meets you at the airport. Transfer to your Hotel. Relax and discover the centre of the town.

    Day 2 : ANGKOR WAT (Hotel/38 km cycling)
    Full day cycle tour of the famous temples of Angkor, including Angkor Wat, the ever popular Ta Phrom still subsumed by roots of jungle trees, and the walled city of Angkor Thom, centered around the impressive Bayon Temple with its enigmatic carved stone faces.
    Angkor Thom was the last and most enduring capital city of the Khmer empire. It was established in the late twelfth century by king Jayavarman VII. It covers an area of 9 km², within which are located several monuments from earlier eras as well as those established by Jayavarman and his successors. At the centre of the city is Jayavarman’s state temple, the Bayon, with the other major sites clustered around the Victory Square immediately to the north Angkor Wat is the most perfect of the Angkor temples. Built in monumental proportions on three levels, its symmetrical five tower layout symbolizes the peaks of Mount Meru and were designed to be a microcosm of the Hindu universe. There is not only the grandeur, for every spot in the temple is ornamented with sculptures and bas-reliefs of wonderful detail. Monks from adjacent pagodas still conduct ceremonies in the site and tend to it, contributing to its excellent preservation, the best of any Angkor temples. Angkor is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Hotel in Siem Reap (B,L)

    Day 3 : SIEM REAP TONLE SAP – SIEM REAP (Hotel/65 km cycling)
    Morning: Siem Reap-Wat Trak-Roluos (Bakong).
    Ride along small trails through the countryside and villages until Wat Trak temple (Chau Srei Vibol). Visit the temple and its pagoda. Lunch
    Afternoon: Roluos (Bakong)-Tonle Sap–Roluos- Tonle Sap-(Siem Reap).
    Then ride on to Bakong (Roluos Group). After Bakong visit, ride to Siem Reap River and then to Tonle Sap lake. Boat trip and ride back to town with transfer vehicle to the hotel.

    Day 4 : SIEM REAP – PHNOM PENH (Hotel/no cycling)
    Early morning we have a transfer to Phnom Penh. Arriving around 2 pm, you get to your Hotel. Free to discover the town on your own. (B)

    Day 5 : PHNOM PENH (Hotel)
    Begin your tour of this charming capital with Tuk-Tuk or Bus to visit the city’s namesake, Wat Phnom. Founded in 1373, the pagoda was built to house Buddhist relics washed ashore by the river.
    Visit the Royal Palace built in 1866 by King Norodom. See the different structures of this pagoda-style compound and stroll in its beautiful garden. Visit the Silver Pagoda so named because of its floor that is comprised of 5,000 silver tiles. A gold Buddha encrusted with 9,584 diamonds and a small 17th century emerald and baccarat crystal Buddha are also housed here. Continue to the nearby National Museum. Built in 1917, it is an exceptional example of traditional architecture and is exclusively devoted to preserving and displaying Khmer art and sculptures. Hundreds of pieces are housed here including both pre-and post-Angkorian pieces. In the evening enjoy cruising on the river and see the sunset. (B)

    Day 6 : PHNOM PENH – TAKEO – KAMPOT (Hotel/50 km cycling)
    Early morning transfer to Takeo. Takeo Province has several important pre-Angkorian sites built between the 5th and the 8th centuries. The provincial capital, the town of Takeo, is an easygoing place that possesses a fair amount of natural and man made beauty.
    The natural beauty is in the Scenic River and lake area that faces a pleasant town parkway. On the way to Kampot, we visit Kampong Trach, a pagoda which has been carved in the mountain. Arrival in Kampot before nightfall. (B,L)

    Day 7 : KAMPOT – KEP (Hotel/25 km cycling)
    In the morning, visit of the salt mines and of the famous pepper plantations. Once Cambodia’s most popular and prestigious beach town, Kep has fallen on hard times in recent years. From the early 1900s until the 1960s, it was a thriving resort town for the French and Cambodian elites.
    On dirt roads we cycle along the coast across rice fields and palm trees to reach Kep.
    A major misconception about Kep is that during the Khmer Rouge years, much of Kep’s French colonial era mansions and villas were destroyed. In fact, local residents, being in need of money and food, stripped down the villas so that they could exchange all these valuable parts in Vietnam for rice and cash. Many of Kep’s villas are abandoned, but some of the town’s former splendor is still apparent.
    In the afternoon, we make a boat trip to the Rabbit Island with some relaxing hours on the beach. (B,L)

    Day 8 : KEP – Chau Doc (Vietnam) (Hotel/30 km cycling)
    We cycle to the border and are welcomed by the Vietnamese guide who will take us to the Hotel. (B)

    Day 9 : Chau Doc – Long Xuyen (B,D)
    After being picked up at your hotel in Chau Doc, we take a morning boat trip to visit a fish feeding village on Bassac River and see a weaving shop of Cham – Muslim people. Then we mount on our bike for Thuan Giang, crossing on a ferry to OngChuong Island, cycling through a village making bamboo baskets. In the afternoon we cycle to AnHoa and we take a ferry crossing to LongXuyen town. Total cycling about 75km. Dong Xuyen hotel, Superior room

    In the morning, we cycle 18km with a ferry crossing to visit ThotNot stork garden and keep on 62km cycling on a countryside road to CoDo, ThoiLai and PhongDien. We keep on 10km more to MyKhanh commune where we spend the night at a local homestay. Total cycling about 90km.
    (Please prepare a small backpack with clothes for changing at the homestay. We will cycle 2km from the main road – where the bus is parked – to the homestay).

    Day 11 : CAN THO – BINH HOA PHUOC (B D)
    After breakfast, we will take a 2-hour boat cruise on the Cantho River to visit CaiRang floating market and cruise on natural waterways, see the life of the locals along the riverside.
    We disembark from our boat and start cycling over Cantho suspension bridge and ride through an area of pomelo fruit in MyHoa and DongThanh communes, onto BaCang for a lunch break at a local place. In the afternoon we keep riding to TamBinh and onto Long Ho and VinhLong. Ferry crossing to BinhHoaPhuoc Island for the night. Total cycling about 75km. Eco guesthouse.
    (Please prepare a small backpack with clothes for changing at the guesthouse on the island, your heavy suitcase will be safe in the van).

    We start cycling back on a country road and a winding road under the green coconut canopy. The coconut palms are what make Bentre famous in Vietnam. We also pass BaLai River, a smaller branch of the Mekong on our way. Lunch break in MyTho town. In the afternoon we keep on small roads to LongAn where our van will pick us up for transfer to HCM city. Overnight in HCM. Total cycling about 60km. Sapphire Hotel, Junior room

    Day 13 : HO CHI MINH (B)
    Day trip to CaoDai temple and CuChi tunnels (no cycling). O/N Sapphire Hotel, Junior room

    Day 14 : HO CHI MINH city tour (B)
    Short orientation tour of the city and transfer to Saigon airport for your home flight.

    Cycling distances can be adapted by the client, as an escort vehicle follows all the way.


    What’s Included

  • Mountain bike with equipment
  • English speaking Cycling Guide
  • Hotel in twin/double bed
  • Meals: According to program (B,L,D)
  • Escort vehicle
  • Boat according to program
  • Water during riding
  • What’s Not Included

  • International flight
  • Temples/Sites entrance fees
  • Official Guide for the temple visit
  • Drink
  • Tips
  • Individual insurance cover
  • ]]> 0
    From Angkor to the mekong delta / Vietnam Sat, 23 Jan 2016 08:29:00 +0000 The Mekong:
    The Mekong is a trans-boundary river in Southeast Asia. It is the world’s 12th-longest river and the 7th-longest in Asia. Its estimated length is 4,350 km, and it drains an area of 795,000 km², discharging 457 km³ of water annually. Wikipedia

    Angkor is one of the most important archaeological sites in South-East Asia. Stretching over some 400 km2, including forested area, Angkor Archaeological Park contains the magnificent remains of the different capitals of the Khmer Empire, from the 9th to the 15th century.


    • Temples of Angkor
    • Tonle Sap, the biggest lake South East Asia’s
    • Cycling along the Mekong
    • Visit Kampong Chnang, the town of the pottery
    • Cross the Mekong Delta


    Day 1 : SIEM REAP
    Arrival at the airport and transfer to your Hotel. Afternoon, free to discover the town. Hotel in Siem Reap.

    Day 2 : SIEM REAP : ANGKOR (HOTEL / 38km cycling)
    A great day awaits you as you will visit Angkor Wat, the largest religious monument in the world. 2th and 13th century, Angkor has become a massive tourism destination. Cycling around the complex will give you that inside look that other people don’t have sitting in a tour bus. Besides Angkor Wat you will visit the jungle overgrown Ta Prohm Temple and the massive complex of Banteay Kdei. Other significant temples such as Angkor Thom with its impressive Bayon temple are also included. Hotel in Siem Reap. (B,L,-)

    Day 3 : SIEM REAP – TONLE SAP – KAMPONG CHNANG (HOTEL / 15km cycling)
    A very early start as we need to cycle the 15km from Siem Reap to the Tonle Sap lake to catch the boat which departs at 7am. Once on the boat we can eat our packed breakfast and enjoy the, at times, breathtaking 3-4 hour journey across Asia’s largest inland lake to Kampong Chhnang. We check into the Samrong Sen Hotel or equivalent, a couple of hundred meters from the riverfront. In the afternoon you have the choice of relaxing in Kampong Chhnang, or going for a short cycle ride. The name Kampong Chhnang comes from the local claypots (chhnang) made in the surrounding villages, and for which the area is renowned, and Kompong means ‘port’, due to its riverside location. The ride will take us through a few of the villages where they make the clay pots, visit Wat Sahn-dtoot, a hill top temple from where you get great views of the river and surrounding mountains, and pass the ‘secret’ runway constructed during the Pol Pot era to fly in supplies from China. Hotel in K. Chnang (B,L,-)

    Day 4 : KAMPONG CHNANG – PHNOM PENH (HOTEL/ 60km cycling)
    Today’s route follows Highway 5 for the first 55km, passing through numerous small villages and the occasional small town. As we reach the small town of Oudong we leave Highway 5 and cycle the 3km to Phnom Prah Reach Trap (commonly referred to as Oudong Mountain), once the capital of Cambodia. Here we leave our bikes and climb the 400+ steps, passing large stupa’s that house the remains of various kings, on route to the top where we can rest and take in the expansive, panoramic views. We will stop for lunch. After lunch we take delightful back roads to Phnom Penh – this is quintessential Cambodia, small villages with wooden houses on stilts, red dirt track roads and flat vivid green fields. We enter the capital. Phnom Penh is a city which succeeds in being lively in spite of its fading, crumbling character. It is true to say that Phnom Penh’s fortunes have been extremely varied over the past century but once again it is a lively city on the up. (B,L,-)

    Day 5 : PHNOM PENH
    Visit of Wat Phnom. Legend relates that Daun Penh, a wealthy widow, found a large koki tree in the river. Inside the tree she found four bronze statues of the Buddha. Lady Penh constructed a small shrine on an artificial hill made by the people living in the village to protect the sacred statues. Eventually this became a sacred site and sanctuary where people would make blessings and pray.
    Visit the Royal Palace built in 1866 by King Norodom. See the different structures of this pagoda-style compound and stroll in its beautiful garden. Visit the Silver Pagoda so named because of its floor that is comprised of 5,000 silver tiles. A gold Buddha encrusted with 9,584 diamonds and a small 17th century emerald and baccarat crystal Buddha are also housed here. Continue to the nearby National Museum. Built in 1917 it is an exceptional example of traditional architecture and is exclusively devoted to preserving and displaying Khmer art and sculptures. Hundreds of pieces are housed here including both pre-and post-Angkorian pieces. At evening enjoy cruising on the River for the sunset. (B)

    Day 6 : PHNOM PENH – CHAU DOC (HOTEL / 105km cycling)
    A very long, tiring day so an early start needed. The first 60km is along Highway 1, the main road to Vietnam. On reaching the Mekong River ferry crossing at Neak Leung (the town was accidentally bombed by the US Army in 1975) we turn down the western bank of the Mighty Mekong, one of world’s longest and most important rivers and follow dirt roads through farmland and riverbank villages. We finally reach a small village where the Cambodian immigration office is located and where we ‘check out’ of Cambodia. 1km further on we pass though the border point to the Vietnamese side at Vinh Xuong where we meet our Vietnam guide. The remaining 34km is on surfaced roads. (B,L)

    Picked up from your own hotel in Chau Doc, we take a morning boat trip to visit fish feeding village on Bassac river and see a weaving shop of Cham – Muslim people. Then we mount on our bike for Thuan Giang, crossing ferry to OngChuong island, cycling through a village making bamboo basket. In the afternoon we cycle to AnHoa and we take a ferry crossing to LongXuyen town. Total cycling about 75km. Dong Xuyen hotel, Superior room
    (B D)
    In the morning, we cycle 18km with some ferry crossing to visit ThotNot stork garden and keep on 62km cycling on countryside road to CoDo, ThoiLai and PhongDien. We keep on 10km more to MyKhanh commune where we spend tonight at a local homestay. Total cycling about 90km.
    (Please prepare your small backpack with clothes for changing at the homestay. We will cycle 2km from the main road – where the bus parked – to the homestay).
    (B D)
    After breakfast, we will take a boat cruise 2 hours on Cantho river for visiting CaiRang floating market and cruise in natural waterways, see life of the locals along the riverside.
    We disembark our boat and start cycling over Cantho suspension bridge and ride through an area of pomelo fruit of MyHoa and DongThanh commune, on to BaCang for lunch break at a local place. In the afternoon we keep ride to TamBinh and on to Long Ho and VinhLong. Ferry crossing to BinhHoaPhuoc island for tonight. Total cycling about 75km. Eco guesthouse
    (Please prepare your small backpack with clothes for changing at the guesthouse on island, your heavy suitcase will be safe in the van).
    We cycle to ChoLach, and Cai Mon – the homeland of nursery garden where they plan all kinds of fruit tree and bonsai tree. We cycle over HamLuong river and arrive in BenTre town. Overnight in hotel by the riverside. Total cycling about 78km. Ham Luong hotel

    We start cycling back country road, felling lost on winding road under the green coconut canopy. The coconut palms that make Bentre famous in Vietnam. We also pass BaLai river, a smaller brach of Mekong on our way. Lunch break in MyTho town. In the afternoon we keep on small road to LongAn where our van will pick us up for transfer to HCM city. Overnight in HCM. Total cycling about 60km. Sapphire hotel, Junior room
    Day 12 : HO CHI MINH city tour
    Short orientation tour of the city and transfer to Saigon airport for your home flight.

    Cycling distances can be adapted by the client, as an escort vehicle follows all the way.


    What’s Included

  • Mountain bike with equipment
  • English speaking Cycling Guide/Mechanic
  • Hotel in twin/double bed
  • Meals: According to program (B,L,D)
  • Escort vehicle
  • Boat according to program
  • Water during riding
  • What’s Not Included

  • International flight
  • Temples/Sites entrance fees
  • Official Guide for the temple visit
  • Drink
  • Tips
  • Individual insurance cover
  • ]]> 0
    Cambodia discovery Tue, 19 Jan 2016 11:44:44 +0000 From visiting the ancient temples of Angkor, swimming in the blue ocean and lazing on a sandy white beach, to shopping fascinating markets and discovering the amazing way of life of the Khmer inhabitants, far away from the main cities, with the bike we can help you to see it all. An experienced cycling guide and an escort vehicle will be on your side to make you discover some remote places, far away from the tourist rush.


    • National museum and Silver pagoda in Phnom Penh
    • Kampong Trach, a pagoda carved out of stone
    • Relaxation at the beach in Sihanoukville
    • Boat trip along floating villages
    • Temples of Angkor
    • Old colonial French town


    Day 1 :
    Arrive in Phnom Penh. Transfer to the Hotel.

    Day 2 :
    Visit to the National Museum and the Silver Pagoda. Sightseeing tour with cycle rickshaw of the markets and quays. Boat trip on the Mekong for sunset. Return to Hotel. (B)

    Day 3 :
    Breakfast. Depart for the province of Takeo, known by it’s rice fields and sugar palm trees, to discover a temple of the XII century. We continue to Kampot province with a visit to a very old site, called Kampong Trach. This pagoda has been carved in the mountain. Lunch. We cycle across the rice fields to Kep, an old French colonial town, located on the west coast. Spend the night in Kep. (B,L) – Distance 164 km

    Day 4 :
    Transfer and bike to Sihanoukville. We bike around the hills overlooking the town with a visit to a pagoda. We spend the rest of the day at the beach on the beautiful white sand. Spend the night in Sihanoukville. (B) – Distance 130 km

    Day 5 :
    Spend the morning at the beach. Lunch. In the afternoon, transfer by public bus to Phnom Penh. Spend the night in Phnom Penh. (B,L) – Distance 230 km

    Day 6 :
    Transfer by public bus across the provinces of Kampong Chhnang and Pursat to reach Battambang. Lunch. After lunch, we bike up country and visit Phnom Banon, temple
    of the XI century situated on a hill to view the beautiful scenery. We carry on to Phnom Sampeaou, mountain of the Sampan, to visit a pagoda at its summit as well as the caves. Spend the night in Battambang. (B,L)- Distance 291 km

    Day 7 :
    Visit of the Vat Ek temple of the XI century and traditional Khmer villages along the river. Lunch. In the afternoon, sightseeing on the small Bamboo train along the rice fields and visit a village specialised in rice production. Spend the night in Battambang. (B,L)- 30 km

    Day 8 :
    Boat trip down the Sangker river across a varied landscape with typical stilt houses until the lake. From the port of Siem Reap, cycling along the river through villages, we reach Siem Reap. Spend the night in a Hotel. (B) – 20 km

    Day 9 :
    After breakfast departure to Kampong Kleang. Partly transfer by vehicle then ride bicycle on the dike to reach the village. Discover the village and boat trip to the Tonle Sap. Lunch at the local Restaurant. In the afternoon, partly transfer back to Siem Reap and ride bicycle (HD2).
    Hotel in Siem Reap. (B,L,-)

    Day 10 :
    First discovery (small and big circuit) of the main temples of Angkor Wat with the bikes across the forest, avoiding as much as possible the main road. Lunch en route. Sunset at Pre Rup. Spend the night in Siem Reap. (B,L) – 39 km

    Day 11 :
    Breakfast. Visit, by foot and bike, to other more isolated temples of Angkor Wat. Cross cycling in the forest of Angkor Wat and on the wall of the old Angkor Thom city. Lunch en route. Spend the night in Hotel in Siem Reap. (B,L) – 20 km

    Day 12 :
    Cycle/Transfer to Banteay Srei. Visit to the temple which is one of the most beautiful artefacts of the Xth century. Visit Kbal Spean, river of the Thousand lingas (phallique reproduction of Shiva). Walk in the jungle (1hr 30min) to discover the sculptured river.
    Swim under the waterfall and eat picnic lunch. Hotel in Siem Reap (B,L) – 79 km

    Day 13 :
    Transfer by public bus back to Phnom Penh. Hotel in Phnom Penh. (B)

    Day 14 :
    Breakfast. Transfer to the International Airport of Phnom Penh and fly back to home country. (B).


    Cycling distances can be adapted by the client, as an escort vehicle follows all the way.



    What’s Included

  • Mountain bike with equipment
  • English speaking Cycling Guide/Mechanic
  • Hotel in twin/double bed
  • Meals: According to program (B,L,D)
  • Escort vehicle
  • Boat according to program
  • Water during riding
  • What’s Not Included

  • International flight
  • Temples/Sites entrance fees
  • Official Guide for the temple visit
  • Drink
  • Tips
  • Individual insurance cover
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